Sunday 16 June 2013

The log everyone can see.

[2:32:50 PM] Ben: ALRIGHTY GUYS. I hope you're all awake.
[2:33:09 PM] Moishe Goven: Huh?
[2:33:14 PM] Moishe Goven: Hello.
[2:33:22 PM | Edited 2:33:28 PM] Ethan: ohai guise
[2:33:23 PM] Moishe Goven: Hey, Ben.
[2:33:55 PM | Edited 2:34:09 PM] Laney: lol i was going to go to bed but nvm
[2:34:00 PM] Ben: So. are you the only ones awake?
[2:34:13 PM] Ben: Oh.
[2:34:20 PM] Ben: Well, we aren't stopping you, Laney.
[2:34:28 PM] Laney: nah ill stay up
[2:34:46 PM] Moishe Goven: I'm up already, and I don't think I can get back to sleep again.
[2:35:08 PM] Ethan: I'm a little busy at the moment, so I won't be talking much
[2:35:11 PM] Ethan: Just a heads up
[2:35:37 PM] Laney: what are you doing?
[2:35:47 PM] Ethan: ... stuff...
[2:35:52 PM] Laney: ok
[2:35:59 PM] Laney: what about everyone else?
[2:36:11 PM] Ben: I got up to get something to eat.
[2:37:47 PM] Ben: Wow. Moshie must be REALLY busy.
[2:38:10 PM] Moishe Goven: I'm sorry? I've just been thinking.
[2:38:12 PM] Moishe Goven: Never mind.
[2:38:35 PM] Ben: Let me guess. Still a virgin?
[2:38:44 PM] Laney: XD
[2:39:06 PM] Moishe Goven: What?!
[2:39:12 PM] Moishe Goven: Guys, I don't have the time for this.
[2:39:27 PM] Ben: There's always time for everything man.
[2:39:28 PM] Laney: lololol
[2:39:38 PM] Ben: Even Laney would agree with me.
[2:39:40 PM] Moishe Goven: Guys why.
[2:39:55 PM] Ben: Oh man. I forgot to add someone.
[2:40:07 PM] *** Ben added Anthony MOO ***
[2:40:13 PM] Ben: Sorry Anthony!
[2:40:26 PM] Moishe Goven: Hey Tony.
[2:40:28 PM] Anthony MOO: Its ok!
[2:40:32 PM] Moishe Goven: How's it going?
[2:40:34 PM] Ethan: ohai Tony
[2:40:39 PM] Laney: hi
[2:40:39 PM] Anthony MOO: Hai dere
[2:40:51 PM] Anthony MOO: Going well
[2:41:07 PM] Laney: whats up?
[2:41:35 PM] Anthony MOO: Waking up, trying to at least
[2:42:28 PM] Ben: Have you tried drinking some coffee?
[2:42:34 PM] Ethan: I liek coffee
[2:42:41 PM] Laney: ew coffee
[2:42:59 PM] Ethan: y u no liek coffee, Laney?
[2:43:25 PM] Laney: i just dont like the taste. i dont like tea either. im weird.
[2:43:46 PM] Ben: Try warm milk, worst taste you'll get.
[2:43:51 PM] Anthony MOO: Like I said, I just woke up. As in 5 minutes ago. Didn't have time for coffee yet
[2:44:21 PM] Anthony MOO: I'll go make some now
[2:44:30 PM] Ethan: you do that
[2:44:35 PM] Ben: Try not to trip over anything on your way!
[2:44:36 PM] Moishe Goven: So guys how are ya?
[2:44:45 PM] Ethan: I'm good
[2:44:54 PM] Ben: I'm goin' fine.
[2:44:59 PM] Laney: im fine i guess
[2:45:19 PM] Ben: What 'bout you, Moishe?
[2:45:39 PM] Anthony MOO: Holy crap spider!!
[2:45:46 PM] Anthony MOO: Anthony MOO flails
[2:45:48 PM] Moishe Goven: I haven't slept in a few days. Ain't really healthy but y'know. I'm still moving o-
[2:45:57 PM] Moishe Goven: Tony, man ya scared me for a moment there. XD
[2:45:59 PM] Laney: KILL IT
[2:46:05 PM] Ben: Anthony, man.
[2:46:10 PM] Ben: Kill it with a shoe.
[2:46:10 PM] Laney: KILL IT WITH FIRE
[2:46:15 PM] Laney: AND FIRE
[2:46:15 PM] Ben: Don't just sit there talking to us.
[2:46:27 PM] Anthony MOO: It scared me too. I don't know where it went though.
[2:47:14 PM] Ben: Oh maan. Has anyone played that game 'Super House of Dead Ninjas'? This game is balin.
[2:47:32 PM] Ethan: sounds cliche
[2:47:33 PM] Moishe Goven: House of Dead Ninjas?
[2:47:40 PM] Moishe Goven: Is that a SNES game?
[2:47:48 PM] Ben: Here, I'll get a link for ya'll.
[2:47:59 PM] Ben:
[2:48:03 PM] Anthony MOO: I've heard of it I think. But I'm not sure
[2:48:08 PM] Moishe Goven: Adult Swim game.
[2:48:09 PM] Moishe Goven: Huh.
[2:48:21 PM] Ben: If they can poop out them unicorns.
[2:48:23 PM] Moishe Goven: Man, I cannot. Be. Asked. To play this.
[2:48:26 PM] Ben: Then they can poop out more.
[2:48:47 PM] Ethan: Oh I know Adult Swim
[2:48:53 PM] Ethan: They host my favorite game
[2:48:57 PM] Ethan: Robot Unicorn Attack!
[2:49:08 PM] Anthony MOO: Shit SHIT SHIT
[2:49:13 PM] Anthony MOO: Die SPIDER DIE
[2:49:18 PM] Ethan: KILL IT
[2:49:22 PM] Ethan: KILL IT WITH FIRE
[2:49:29 PM] Anthony MOO: Ok.. its dead
[2:49:33 PM] Anthony MOO: phew
[2:49:56 PM] Anthony MOO: Oh shit it moved again! DIE DIE
[2:50:06 PM] Laney: ben is this what you do all day
[2:50:14 PM] Laney: play crappy games online
[2:50:15 PM] Laney: XD
[2:50:21 PM] Anthony MOO: its.. spider sauce now
[2:50:27 PM] Ethan: gross.
[2:50:31 PM] Anthony MOO: Very
[2:50:46 PM] Anthony MOO: Brb while I clean this up.
[2:51:54 PM] Laney: i fucking hate spiders
[2:52:38 PM] Ben: Whoa, whoa.
[2:52:40 PM] Ben: Laney.
[2:52:42 PM] Ben: Come on girl.
[2:52:56 PM] Laney: what?
[2:53:07 PM] Ben: Don't be dissin' my games.
[2:53:11 PM] Laney: XD
[2:53:25 PM] Moishe Goven: I'm not dissing your games.
[2:53:37 PM] Laney: and you call moishe a virgin
[2:53:44 PM] Moishe Goven: XD
[2:53:49 PM] Ben: Well hey.
[2:53:52 PM] Anthony MOO: Well he IS
[2:53:57 PM] Ben: I have my reasons.
[2:54:04 PM] Ben: Virgins gotta make fun of each other.
[2:54:17 PM] Moishe Goven: HYPOCRISY
[2:55:03 PM] Laney: ohmygod
[2:55:03 PM] Moishe Goven: So- guys- what've you all been up to?
[2:55:07 PM] Moishe Goven: ?
[2:55:19 PM] Laney: i just found the greatest pair of pants ever
[2:55:25 PM] Laney: online
[2:55:41 PM] Ben: You and your pants.
[2:55:54 PM] Ben: Why don't you just buy some and marry them.
[2:55:55 PM] Laney: you and your games
[2:56:00 PM] Ben: Have some pant babies.
[2:56:02 PM] Ben: Well hey.
[2:56:08 PM] Ben: Games actually last a long time.
[2:56:35 PM] Anthony MOO: I lack both games and pants
[2:57:21 PM] Laney: oh man these leggings
[2:57:30 PM] Laney: i need them
[2:57:36 PM] Laney: now
[2:57:52 PM] Laney: (my bithday's coming up guys)
[2:58:53 PM] Moishe Goven: (I get the message)
[2:58:53 PM] Anthony MOO: Sorry, I just got fired. Can't afford giving gifts.
[2:59:03 PM] Laney: oh no
[2:59:32 PM | Edited 2:59:39 PM] Laney: now you cant buy me anything :(
[2:59:54 PM] Ben: And I can't even get a job.
[2:59:58 PM] Ben: So I'm out of the question.
[3:00:19 PM] Anthony MOO: Meh I'll find a new job. You'll just have to wait a bit longer than usual.
[3:00:32 PM] Laney: im just kidding Tony. ilu.
[3:00:41 PM] Laney: sorry you lost your job
[3:00:51 PM] Moishe Goven: Aw man Tony I'm sorry to hear that.
[3:01:47 PM] Anthony MOO: Its ok, hated the job anyway. I'll manage, got enough money to last me a month with instant ramen.
[3:02:15 PM] Laney: the guy that invented ramen's name is momofuku
[3:02:36 PM] Ethan: Good to know.
[3:02:59 PM] Anthony MOO: I don't even know how to respond to that.
[3:03:15 PM] Moishe Goven: Oooh.
[3:03:17 PM] Laney: i want that to be my last name
[3:03:24 PM] Ethan: [3:02 PM] Ethan:

<<< Good to know.
That's how.
[3:03:24 PM] Moishe Goven: Laney Momofuku?!
[3:03:26 PM] Moishe Goven: :I
[3:03:28 PM] Laney: yes
[3:03:53 PM] Laney: its better than Laney Anderson
[3:04:39 PM] Laney: music time
[3:04:59 PM] Anthony MOO: At least your last name doesn't have the word Cow in it
[3:04:59 PM] Moishe Goven: Hmm.
[3:05:14 PM] Moishe Goven: At least you're first names aren't Moishe.
[3:05:26 PM] Laney: lololol
[3:05:28 PM] Ethan: At least you guys have a last name.
[3:06:23 PM] Ben: Ethan Buttsmiles.
[3:06:30 PM] Ben: Good name if I say so myself.
[3:06:34 PM] Ethan: .... no.
[3:06:38 PM] Ethan: Shut up.
[3:06:39 PM] Anthony MOO: Yes!
[3:06:49 PM] Ethan: Okay, I do have a last name
[3:07:02 PM] Ethan: It's not Buttsmiles.
[3:07:09 PM] Laney: brb getting a snack
[3:07:18 PM] Ethan: Kk bye Laney
[3:07:32 PM] Ben: Is it Nien?
[3:07:42 PM] Ethan: No, it's not Nien
[3:08:05 PM] Ben: Uhmm...
[3:08:12 PM] Ben: Witch Doctor?
[3:08:17 PM] Ethan: I'm not telling you my last name, guys!
[3:08:22 PM] Ethan: For the last time!
[3:08:24 PM] Laney: seeping
[3:08:32 PM] Ethan: what?
[3:08:49 PM] Laney: ii
[3:08:53 PM] Laney: wamnsmm
[3:09:02 PM] Ben: Laney.
[3:09:03 PM] Ben: Girl.
[3:09:03 PM] Ethan: Is something wrong, Laney?
[3:09:05 PM] Ben: You okay?
[3:09:11 PM] Moishe Goven: Laney?
[3:09:13 PM] Moishe Goven: o.o
[3:09:17 PM] Anthony MOO: o.O
[3:09:26 PM] Laney: there will be more
[3:09:32 PM] Ethan: more what?
[3:09:35 PM] Laney: i need
[3:09:36 PM] Ben: More rain?
[3:09:40 PM] Ben: I would like more rain.
[3:09:45 PM] Ethan: Rain is nice.
[3:09:49 PM] Laney: k im back
[3:09:51 PM] Ben: Can't grow anything without rain.
[3:09:56 PM] Ethan: back?
[3:10:00 PM] Ethan: then who was talking up there?
[3:10:02 PM] Ben: But weren't you talking just then?
[3:10:07 PM] Moishe Goven: You... you were
[3:10:07 PM] Laney: yep. i got some cereal
[3:10:10 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[3:10:12 PM] Ethan: Laney.
[3:10:16 PM] Moishe Goven: [3:08 PM] Laney:

<<< ii
[3:10:17 PM] Laney: hm?
[3:10:19 PM] Ethan: Read your previous messages.
[3:10:23 PM] Laney: the fuck
[3:10:28 PM] Ethan: Yeah.
[3:10:30 PM] Moishe Goven: [3:08 PM] Laney:

<<< seeping
[3:10:35 PM] Ethan: You have any siblings?
[3:10:36 PM] Ben: Laney, grab a castity belt.
[3:10:36 PM] Laney: WHAT THE HELL
[3:10:46 PM] Ben: You must fear for you lower reigons.
[3:10:50 PM] Ethan: I'm guessing you don't.
[3:11:14 PM] Laney: im fucking searching the whole hpuse now
[3:11:26 PM] Anthony MOO: Be carefull Laney
[3:11:37 PM] Moishe Goven: [3:10 PM] Ben:

<<< Laney, grab a castity belt.[3:10 PM] Ben:

<<< You must fear for you lower reigons.
Jesus, Ben. XD
[3:12:23 PM] Moishe Goven: ...crap. Do you think Laney was pulling something on us?
[3:12:34 PM] Ethan: idek
[3:12:47 PM] Laney: i wasnt pulling anything on you. i didnt type any of that
[3:12:53 PM] Laney: theres nobody here but me
[3:13:04 PM] Moishe Goven: Damn.
[3:13:14 PM] Anthony MOO: maybe somebody hacked your computer
[3:13:25 PM] Ethan: or someone hacked your account
[3:13:28 PM] Laney: why would they hack it just to say that
[3:13:30 PM] Ethan: from a different computer
[3:13:36 PM] Ethan: idek
[3:13:39 PM] Ethan: to troll us?
[3:13:52 PM] Laney: maybe i left my skype logged in at a friends house idk
[3:14:20 PM] Anthony MOO: Yeah
[3:14:42 PM] Ethan: Sooo...
[3:14:51 PM] Laney: that creeped me out
[3:15:11 PM] Moishe Goven: But wait...
[3:15:24 PM] Anthony MOO: Well if it happens agin you'll need to check that out .. somehow
[3:15:31 PM] Laney: ok
[3:15:38 PM] Laney: i will
[3:15:57 PM] Laney: where te fuck did i put my lighter
[3:16:36 PM] Anthony MOO: I think I saw it on your floor
[3:16:37 PM] Ethan: y u need a lighter for? o.O
[3:16:42 PM] Moishe Goven: Why do you need a lighter?
[3:16:59 PM | Edited 3:17:10 PM] Ethan: How do you know where it is, Tony? o.O
[3:17:13 PM] Anthony MOO: Anthony MOO totally not a stalker
[3:17:20 PM] Laney: we video chatted earlier XD
[3:17:21 PM] Ethan: o_______________________O
[3:17:29 PM] Ethan: ok good to know
[3:17:30 PM] Anthony MOO: Anthony MOO nods
[3:17:35 PM] Laney: oh it is on the floor
[3:17:40 PM] Anthony MOO: Told you
[3:17:41 PM] Laney: thanks toneh
[3:17:47 PM] Anthony MOO: No probs
[3:18:07 PM] Ethan: Soooooooo.........
[3:18:24 PM] Anthony MOO: so?
[3:18:33 PM] Ethan: idek
[3:18:39 PM] Ethan: let's talk stuff
[3:18:50 PM] Laney: did ben fall asleep XD
[3:18:51 PM] Anthony MOO: OOh I like stuff
[3:19:03 PM] Ethan: stuff is cool.
[3:19:05 PM] Moishe Goven: I- I don't know.
[3:19:10 PM | Edited 3:19:52 PM] Anthony MOO: and things, do you guys also do things when you're busy with stuff?
[3:19:30 PM] Moishe Goven: But...
[3:19:30 PM] Ethan: Totes.
[3:19:50 PM] Moishe Goven: hang on how long has it been since Ben last said anything?
[3:20:09 PM] Moishe Goven: After what happened with you, Laney, I don't know...
[3:20:13 PM] Laney: [3:10 PM] Ben:

<<< You must fear for you lower reigons.
[3:20:13 PM] Ethan: [3:10 PM] Ben:

<<< You must fear for you lower reigons.
'twas the last thing he said
[3:20:18 PM] Ethan: oh hey
[3:20:20 PM] Ethan: ninja'd
[3:20:21 PM] Laney: haha i win
[3:20:26 PM] Ethan: (ninja)
[3:20:44 PM | Edited 3:21:01 PM] Anthony MOO: Only ten minutes ago, maybe he's gone to the bathroom
[3:20:47 PM] Ethan: ...
[3:20:53 PM] Ethan: TMI, my friend
[3:20:55 PM] Ethan: TMI
[3:21:12 PM] Laney: nah it probably only takes him a minute to masterbate
[3:21:14 PM] Laney: lol
[3:21:16 PM] Ethan: XD
[3:21:17 PM] Anthony MOO: XD
[3:21:45 PM] Ethan: imma PM him
[3:22:03 PM] Anthony MOO: Good idea
[3:22:24 PM] Ethan: [3:21 PM] Ethan:

this is what I said
[3:23:44 PM] Laney: k
[3:23:53 PM] Moishe Goven: Guys I am srsly worried.
[3:23:56 PM] Moishe Goven: I don't even know why.
[3:24:13 PM] Anthony MOO: I'm sure its fine, he hasn't been gone for that long
[3:24:49 PM] Laney: brb
[3:24:56 PM] Anthony MOO: hbs
[3:26:09 PM] Laney: steadily
[3:26:21 PM] Ethan: again?
[3:26:26 PM] Laney: cut
[3:26:31 PM] Laney: ting
[3:26:55 PM] Anthony MOO: Welp that certainly is creepy
[3:26:59 PM] Ethan: okay, this is getting srsly creepy
[3:27:11 PM] Moishe Goven: Steadily cutting?
[3:28:49 PM] Anthony MOO: Maybe she's making dinner
[3:28:55 PM] Anthony MOO: <.<
[3:29:09 PM] Ben: Or doing things to the sound of your voice.
[3:29:11 PM] Ben: Sup guys?
[3:29:15 PM] Ethan: that's no reason to spam us with creepy messages
[3:29:23 PM] Ethan: hey Ben where ya been?
[3:29:26 PM] Moishe Goven: Ben, hello!
[3:29:29 PM] Ben: Oh, somewhere.
[3:29:35 PM] Moishe Goven: Seriously
[3:29:38 PM] Ethan: (he was totally fapping)
[3:29:39 PM] Moishe Goven: you had me worried there
[3:29:40 PM] Anthony MOO: Sound of my voice, what?
[3:29:40 PM] Moishe Goven: for a sec.
[3:29:41 PM] Moishe Goven: XD
[3:29:42 PM] Ben: Let's just say it's a place I NEVER wanna be.
[3:29:47 PM] Moishe Goven: o.o
[3:29:50 PM] Moishe Goven: O.O
[3:29:52 PM] Ethan: (fapping)
[3:29:57 PM] Moishe Goven: (4Chan)
[3:29:58 PM] Anthony MOO: [3:29 PM] Ethan:

<<< (he was totally fapping)
[3:30:00 PM] Ben: God damn it.
[3:30:01 PM] Moishe Goven: (Def 4Chan)
[3:30:07 PM] Ethan: (fapping to 4chan)
[3:30:07 PM] Ben: I know I'm young, but I don't fap.
[3:30:15 PM] Anthony MOO: Lies
[3:30:18 PM] Ben: And 4chan can't handle the Benmaster.
[3:30:18 PM] Ethan: sure you don't, Ben
[3:30:22 PM] Ethan: sure you don't
[3:30:29 PM] Ben: But, it was a strange world.
[3:30:33 PM] Laney: clEan
[3:30:41 PM] Ethan: (he was fapping to 4chan)
[3:30:49 PM] Ethan: oh hey creepy messages again
[3:30:53 PM] Moishe Goven: I was gonna say you were probably on the b board.
[3:30:53 PM] Moishe Goven: XD
[3:30:57 PM] Moishe Goven: ...Dean?
[3:31:01 PM] Ben: 'The leaves will never stop falling.' I was told...
[3:31:02 PM] Moishe Goven: >.>
[3:31:03 PM] Moishe Goven: <.<
[3:31:05 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[3:31:07 PM] Ethan: what?
[3:31:15 PM] Anthony MOO: What what
[3:31:17 PM] Moishe Goven: You drunk Laney?
[3:31:20 PM] Ethan: [3:30 PM] Moishe Goven:

<<< ...Dean?
who's Dean?
[3:31:36 PM] Laney: Neat
[3:31:39 PM] Anthony MOO: Would be weird if she got drunk THAT fast
[3:31:50 PM] Ethan: what's neat, Lacey?
[3:32:06 PM] Laney: emiT
[3:32:13 PM] Ben: Falling, falling.
Everyone is conjoining.
[3:32:18 PM] Ethan: Time...?
[3:32:36 PM] Laney: leAves
[3:32:50 PM] Anthony MOO: Ok guys stop this shit, its not even funny
[3:32:52 PM] Ethan: Really funny, you two
[3:33:06 PM] Ethan: creeping us out right before my bedtime <_<
[3:33:22 PM] Ethan: speaking of which
[3:33:28 PM] Ethan: I should be going to sleep soon
[3:33:55 PM] Laney: back
[3:34:00 PM] Laney: what the fuck
[3:34:05 PM] Laney: oh my
[3:34:12 PM] Laney: SHIT
[3:34:18 PM] Anthony MOO: O.O
[3:34:32 PM] Anthony MOO: Laney you ok?
[3:34:50 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[3:34:53 PM] Moishe Goven: Lacey?
[3:34:54 PM] Moishe Goven: You okay?
[3:35:29 PM] Laney: my room is fucking trashed
[3:35:33 PM] Laney: shit
[3:35:36 PM] Laney: i have to go
[3:35:37 PM] Anthony MOO: O.o
[3:35:44 PM] Laney: im calling the police
[3:35:49 PM] Anthony MOO: Good idea
[3:36:21 PM] Moishe Goven: Laney!?
[3:36:25 PM] Ethan: [12:30:25 AM] Laney: clEan
[12:31:29 AM] Laney: Neat
[12:31:59 AM] Laney: emiT
[12:32:31 AM] Laney: leAves

[3:36:37 PM] Moishe Goven: ENTA...
[3:36:39 PM] Moishe Goven: ETAN?
[3:36:52 PM] Ethan: o________________________________________O
[3:36:54 PM] Ben: Sounds like EIN when you say it.
[3:37:12 PM] Ethan: or
[3:37:14 PM] Ethan: EATN
[3:37:20 PM] Ben: EATEN?
[3:37:27 PM] Moishe Goven: EATN?
[3:37:30 PM] Moishe Goven: Huh.
[3:37:36 PM] Ethan: she probably was just making dinner then
[3:37:41 PM] Ethan: *SHOT*
[3:37:58 PM] Ben: Steadily clean, with upmost of the neatest nature, time shall leave us all, maybe?
[3:38:13 PM] Ethan: what?
[3:38:18 PM] Anthony MOO: goddamit ben, don't you start too
[3:38:40 PM] Ben: I'm just providing some insight.
[3:38:43 PM] Laney: forget
[3:38:43 PM] Ben: No need to get mad at me.
[3:38:48 PM] Ben: Oh, oh.
[3:38:50 PM] Ben: More~
[3:38:50 PM] Ethan: oh look
[3:38:56 PM | Edited 3:39:20 PM] Ethan: she's starting it again
[3:39:48 PM] Ben: Guyyys.
[3:39:54 PM] Ben: Laney says she isn't in this chat.
[3:39:54 PM] Moishe Goven: Laney.
[3:40:00 PM] Moishe Goven: ...Shit.
[3:40:13 PM] Anthony MOO: What, how?
[3:41:05 PM] Anthony MOO: Seriously april fools is over guys
[3:41:14 PM] Laney: oh hi guys
[3:41:44 PM] Moishe Goven: Laney?
[3:41:45 PM] Moishe Goven: Like...
[3:41:50 PM] Laney: hm?
[3:41:52 PM] Moishe Goven: your account was at it again.
[3:42:00 PM] Laney: again?
[3:42:03 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[3:42:11 PM] Moishe Goven: You-you're account
[3:42:12 PM] Moishe Goven: it was...
[3:42:27 PM] Moishe Goven: screwing up and you said your room was trashed and...

wait what do you mean by "again"?
[3:42:29 PM] Moishe Goven: [3:38 PM] Laney:

<<< forget
[3:42:31 PM] Laney: was it logging on and off again like yesterday?
[3:42:34 PM] Ben: Oh, this is like one of my Japanese Animes!
[3:42:43 PM] Moishe Goven: DAMMIT OTACON.
[3:42:52 PM] Ben: So, Otacon.
[3:42:57 PM] Ben: Love CAN bloom on the battlefield.
[3:43:02 PM] Laney: what
[3:43:20 PM] Laney: you guys are fucked up
[3:43:43 PM] Moishe Goven: Laney you okay?
[3:43:44 PM] Anthony MOO: Whoa o.O
[3:43:46 PM] Ethan: This is no time for anime, Ben
[3:43:58 PM] Ethan: Laney, what's this about logging on and off?
[3:44:12 PM] Laney: yesterday my account was logging on and off
[3:44:28 PM] Laney: like going online then offline
[3:44:32 PM] Ethan: oh
[3:44:35 PM] Ethan: hm
[3:44:40 PM] Moishe Goven: Huh.
[3:44:50 PM] Laney: so?
[3:44:50 PM] Moishe Goven: said something about calling the police and...
[3:44:54 PM] Moishe Goven: house ransacking...
[3:44:54 PM] Laney: what
[3:44:57 PM] Anthony MOO: I'm confused
[3:45:02 PM] Laney: my house is fine
[3:45:07 PM] Laney: what the hell guys?
[3:45:09 PM] Ethan: but you said...
[3:45:14 PM] Moishe Goven: [3:35 PM] Laney:

<<< my room is fucking trashed
i have to go
[3:45:21 PM] Laney: i never...
[3:45:23 PM] Laney: what
[3:45:27 PM] Moishe Goven: Like...
[3:45:29 PM] Moishe Goven: you were in the chat
[3:45:29 PM] Ben: Oh my!
[3:45:32 PM] Moishe Goven: the last 30 minutes...
[3:45:34 PM] Ben: I think I might know!
[3:45:36 PM] Moishe Goven: ...what?
[3:45:43 PM] Moishe Goven: Hacker?
[3:45:44 PM] Ben: The transverse time theory.
[3:45:51 PM] Laney: ???
[3:45:56 PM] Ethan: ...
[3:46:00 PM] Ethan: what?
[3:46:01 PM] Ben: Multiple Laney's.
[3:46:08 PM] Moishe Goven: ...what.
[3:46:09 PM] Laney: the fuck
[3:46:09 PM] Ben: All hooked up to the same account.
[3:46:11 PM] Ben: At the same time.
[3:46:11 PM] Anthony MOO: ._.
[3:46:16 PM] Moishe Goven: ...that theory
[3:46:18 PM] Moishe Goven: is the strangest
[3:46:18 PM] Ethan: That's dumb.
[3:46:21 PM] Moishe Goven: most terrifying
[3:46:27 PM] Laney: youve been on /x/ recently havent you
[3:46:29 PM] Ethan: That.
[3:46:31 PM] Ethan: is.
[3:46:33 PM] Moishe Goven: I told you guys.
[3:46:33 PM] Anthony MOO: That doesn't even make sense
[3:46:33 PM] Ethan: fucking.
[3:46:35 PM] Ethan: dumb.
[3:46:36 PM] Moishe Goven: Fooooour chaaaaaan
[3:46:39 PM] Ben: I HATE /x/
[3:46:46 PM] Ben: Rather /jp/ or /mlp/ myself.
[3:46:57 PM] Ethan: (Ben was fapping to 4chan earlier)
[3:47:11 PM] Ben: NO I WASN'T
[3:47:13 PM] Ben: HOLY FUCK
[3:47:13 PM] Laney: fuck this
[3:47:14 PM] Ben: ETHAN
[3:47:16 PM] Laney: im going to bed
[3:47:17 PM] Ben: I'M GOING TO PUNCH
[3:47:19 PM] Ben: YOU IN THE FACE
[3:47:26 PM] Laney: night, guys.
[3:47:28 PM] Moishe Goven: I'm sorry Laney.

[3:47:29 PM] Ben: Oh.
[3:47:30 PM] Ethan: whatevz, dude
[3:47:31 PM] Ben: Night Laney.
[3:47:33 PM] Moishe Goven: Jesus.
[3:47:35 PM] Ethan: good luck with that
[3:47:37 PM] Ethan: night Laney
[3:47:43 PM] Anthony MOO: Night
[3:48:02 PM] Ethan: I'd better get some sleep too
[3:48:04 PM] Ethan: night guys
[3:48:06 PM] Ben: ... Guys.
[3:48:08 PM] Ben: A.
[3:48:13 PM] Ben: A racoon.
[3:48:17 PM] Ben: With a huge fucking tail.
[3:48:22 PM] Moishe Goven: What.
[3:48:28 PM] Ben: Just ran through my living room.
[3:48:34 PM] Ethan: all raccons have pretty big tails :I
[3:48:35 PM] Anthony MOO: o.o
[3:48:45 PM] Ben: And.
[3:48:48 PM] Ben: A leaf on it's head.
[3:48:52 PM] Anthony MOO: You better hope it don't have rabies
[3:49:01 PM] Anthony MOO: what?..
[3:49:31 PM] Ben: It's kind of like the Japanese Myth Creature.
[3:49:33 PM] Ben: The Tanuki.
[3:49:56 PM] Anthony MOO: Its just a raccoon dude
[3:50:20 PM] Ben: In my fucking house.
[3:50:24 PM] Ben: How the fuck did it get in.
[3:50:46 PM] Ethan: raccoons and their clever little hands...
[3:50:46 PM] Anthony MOO: Dunno they are crafty lil bastards
[3:50:54 PM] Ethan: they can get into anywhere
[3:50:57 PM] Ethan: ANYWHERE
[3:51:08 PM] Ben: Ethan.
[3:51:13 PM] Ben: I thought you were going to bed.
[3:51:20 PM] Anthony MOO: Even n Laney's account
[3:51:23 PM] Anthony MOO: on*
[3:51:23 PM] Ethan: I came back
[3:51:28 PM] Ethan: couldn't sleep
[3:51:44 PM] Ben: So. All of this shit is happening at the same time then.
[3:51:51 PM] Ben: I wonder whats happening.
[3:51:53 PM] Ethan: all of what?
[3:52:00 PM] Ethan: Laney's account is getting hacked
[3:52:06 PM] Ethan: you're saying wweird things
[3:52:10 PM] Ethan: and that's it
[3:52:13 PM] Ethan: not much else to it
[3:52:15 PM] Ethan: :I
[3:52:22 PM] Anthony MOO: Don't forget my spider
[3:52:33 PM] Ethan: well, yeah
[3:52:35 PM] Ethan: but
[3:52:41 PM] Ethan: spiders are normal enough
[3:53:03 PM] Ben: HOLY FUCK
[3:53:04 PM] Ben: GUYS
[3:53:05 PM] Ben: HELP ME
[3:53:12 PM] Anthony MOO: What?
[3:53:27 PM] Anthony MOO: Ben what the fucK?
[3:53:37 PM] Ethan: ...
[3:53:42 PM] Moishe Goven: I'm not falling fo rit.
[3:53:50 PM] Ethan: okay i seriously need to get to bed
[3:53:51 PM] Ethan: night guise
[3:54:01 PM] Anthony MOO: night dude
[3:54:41 PM] Moishe Goven: Ben?
[3:55:08 PM] Anthony MOO: o.o
[3:55:31 PM] Ben: Are devil women normal?
[3:55:36 PM] Moish Gove: I don't know man.
[3:55:45 PM] Ben: Because.
[3:55:47 PM] Ben: Suddenly.
[3:55:51 PM] Ben: They're all around me.
[3:55:51 PM] Moish Gove: Huh.
[3:55:53 PM] Moish Gove: Damn...
[3:55:54 PM] Ben: But they're working.
[3:55:57 PM] Moish Gove: they still there!?
[3:55:57 PM] Ben: On something.
[3:56:38 PM] Anthony MOO: That doesn't even
[3:56:42 PM] Moish Gove: What?
[3:56:45 PM] Moish Gove: I-
[3:56:46 PM] Moish Gove: what!?
[3:56:50 PM] Moish Gove: You... sir... are... what!?
[3:57:17 PM] Anthony MOO: Who's what?
[3:57:40 PM] Moish Gove: I was going to say something about Ben but... what!?
[3:58:04 PM] Anthony MOO: I'm confused
[3:58:17 PM] Anthony MOO: I need more coffee
[3:58:20 PM] Anthony MOO: brb
[3:58:27 PM] Ben: NNNOPE
[3:58:30 PM] Ben: THIS IS NOT NOMRAL
[3:58:31 PM] Ben: HUFISAH
[3:58:33 PM] Ben: HO9LY FUCK
[3:58:42 PM] Mois Gov: What!?
[3:59:02 PM] Mois Gov: You okay Ben?
[3:59:04 PM] Mois Gov: Ben!?
[4:00:08 PM] Ethan: HUNGRY
[4:00:23 PM] Ethan: SO, SOO HUNGRY
[4:00:23 PM] Ben: OKAY
[4:00:28 PM] Mois Gov: What!?
[4:00:28 PM] Ben: I'M FLYING
[4:00:33 PM] Mois Gov: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?
[4:00:41 PM] Ben: I CAN HEAR YOU GUYS
[4:00:44 PM] Mois Gov: Like...
[4:00:48 PM] Ethan: YOU SMELL GOOD.
[4:00:50 PM] Mois Gov:'re creeping me out man.
[4:00:57 PM] Mois Gov: Ethan, you too.
[4:01:05 PM] Moi Go: Tony, you still there?
[4:01:09 PM] Anthony MOO: Dudes wtf
[4:01:10 PM] Moi Go: What the fuck is going on?!
[4:01:20 PM] Anthony MOO: I have no idea
[4:01:22 PM] Moi Go: Like, first Laney now these two.
[4:01:25 PM] Moi Go: SHUT UP ETHAN
[4:01:26 PM] Moi Go: JEEZ
[4:01:37 PM] Anthony MOO: Go back to bed dammit
[4:01:52 PM] Anthony MOO: I thin they're trying to prank us
[4:01:56 PM] Anthony MOO: think*
[4:02:01 PM] Mi Go: I haven't been able to get to bed though.
[4:02:19 PM] Anthony MOO: Not you, Ethan
[4:02:34 PM] Ethan: so hungry...
[4:02:44 PM] Anthony MOO: then eat something
[4:02:46 PM] Mi Go: What the fuck.
[4:02:48 PM] Ethan: 39RVNB3E4VRUB8BA
[4:02:52 PM] Mi-Go: Wha-
[4:02:54 PM] Mi-Go: I don't...
[4:02:55 PM] Mi-Go: WHAT!?
[4:03:01 PM] Mi-Go: What the hell is this?
[4:03:15 PM] Anthony MOO: Prolly just a prank
[4:03:28 PM] Ben: ...
[4:03:29 PM] Anthony MOO: they'll get bored of it
[4:03:31 PM] Ben: Okay...
[4:03:32 PM] Ben: So.
[4:03:41 PM] Ben: Everything I saw was an illusion.
[4:03:43 PM] Ben: I was...
[4:03:44 PM] Ben: Asleep?
[4:03:49 PM] Ethan: can't find food...
[4:03:53 PM] Mi-Go: What?
[4:03:55 PM] Mi-Go: Ethan.
[4:03:56 PM] Anthony MOO: Sleep typing?
[4:03:57 PM] Mi-Go: Ethan what.
[4:04:10 PM] Ben: It told me.
[4:04:12 PM] *** Mi-Go has changed the conversation picture. ***
[4:04:13 PM] Ben: That.
[4:04:15 PM] Ethan: grrrrrrrrr
[4:04:17 PM] Mi-Go: Huh.
[4:04:17 PM] Ben: That raccoon.
[4:04:21 PM] Mi-Go: Raccoon?
[4:04:22 PM] Ben: Was the only thing.
[4:04:23 PM] Mi-Go: Dafaq bro?
[4:04:31 PM] Ben: Yo.
[4:04:36 PM] Ben: Moishe.
[4:04:36 PM] Mi-Go: ...okay so I may be a college student but I don't condone drugs.
[4:04:39 PM] Mi-Go: What?
[4:04:45 PM] Ben: Whats up with your name and you changing the picture?
[4:04:50 PM] Anthony MOO: Guys stop it seriously
[4:04:56 PM] Ethan: those raccoons, with their clever little hands...
[4:05:08 PM] Mi-Go: Okay, dammit Ben, I have no idea what you and Ethan are up to
[4:05:10 PM] Mi-Go: and Laney
[4:05:14 PM] Mi-Go: but dammit it's getting out of hand.
[4:05:21 PM] Mi-Go: Tony and I are the only sane people left here apparently
[4:05:23 PM] Mi-Go: and I... just...
[4:05:27 PM] Mi-Go: what the hell, guys.
[4:05:29 PM] Mi-Go: What the hell.
[4:05:33 PM] Anthony MOO: Agreed
[4:05:40 PM] Mi-Go: Yeah.
[4:05:52 PM] Ben: HEY
[4:05:56 PM] Ben: I'M SANE TOO
[4:06:02 PM] Ben: It's just.
[4:06:04 PM] Mi-Go: You were talking about demon snake women
[4:06:07 PM] Ben: Something is happening is all.
[4:06:10 PM] Mi-Go: raccoons with leaves on their heads
[4:06:14 PM] Mi-Go: that's not "something"
[4:06:20 PM] Mi-Go: that's the antithesis of "something"
[4:06:28 PM] Mi-Go: that is a veritable anathema of the word "something".
[4:06:35 PM] Mi-Go: That is "a fucking big deal".
[4:06:57 PM] Ben: WAKA
[4:06:58 PM] Ben: SAGI
[4:06:59 PM] Ben: HIME
[4:07:05 PM] Anthony MOO: Ben, Ethan, Drugs are bad MMMKay?
[4:07:19 PM] Ben: Yeah, I'm going crazy.
[4:07:24 PM] Ben: Writings on the walls.
[4:07:31 PM] Anthony MOO: O.o
[4:07:35 PM] Mi-Go: Ben, just lay down, man.
[4:07:41 PM] Mi-Go: Focus on nothing but yourself and the screen
[4:07:49 PM] Mi-Go: everything else is gone
[4:07:55 PM] Mi-Go: just you, us, and the laptop.
[4:07:56 PM] Ben: I AM asleep though.
[4:08:00 PM] Mi-Go: You are asleep?
[4:08:04 PM] Mi-Go: Then how the fuck are you typing?
[4:08:26 PM] Ben: I don't fucking know.
[4:08:37 PM] Mi-Go: Again, I will say this.
[4:08:40 PM] Mi-Go: Sober the fuck up.
[4:08:46 PM] Mi-Go: You are too fucking high at this moment in time.
[4:08:49 PM] Mi-Go: Get off the LSD.
[4:08:52 PM] Anthony MOO: Fuck this shit, I have a job to look for
[4:09:01 PM] Anthony MOO: Bye guys
[4:09:04 PM] Mi-Go: See ya.
[4:09:08 PM] Ben: Seeya
[4:09:12 PM] Mi-Go: Ben I don't even know.
[4:09:17 PM] Anthony MOO: Anthony MOO poofs
[4:09:21 PM] Mi-Go: What the fuck dude.
[4:09:50 PM] Mi-Go: Ben?
[4:09:56 PM] Mi-Go: Ethan?
[4:09:59 PM] Ben: I'm
[4:10:00 PM] Ben: Eating
[4:10:03 PM] Ben: Chippies
[4:10:07 PM] Mi-Go: Yep.
[4:10:09 PM] Mi-Go: High as fuck.
[4:10:12 PM] Ethan: EATING???
[4:10:19 PM] Ethan: WHO'S EATING???
[4:10:23 PM] Ethan: WHERE'S THE FOOD???
[4:10:27 PM] Ben: Your
[4:10:28 PM] Ben: Mother
[4:10:34 PM] Mi-Go: Your mother is the food.
[4:10:37 PM] Mi-Go: :I
[4:10:44 PM] Ethan: KITUD856D79FD8O60GV
[4:10:52 PM] Mi-Go: o.o
[4:11:01 PM] Mi-Go: What the fuck did I do?
[4:11:44 PM] Ben: You broke him.
[4:11:48 PM] Ben: What fucking else?
[4:12:38 PM] Mi-Go: ...I didn't know what I di
[4:12:46 PM] Mi-Go: All I was doi
[4:12:51 PM] Mi-Go: was watching
[4:12:54 PM] Mi-Go: and the
[4:14:07 PM] Mi-Go: .
[4:14:15 PM] Mi-Go: You getting
[4:14:22 PM] Mi-Go: Ben, can you h
[4:15:19 PM] Ben: What?
[4:16:03 PM] Mi-Go: I said, "I didn't know what I did. All I was doing was watching and then he flipped." What's th
[4:16:57 PM] Ben: [4:12 PM] Mi-Go:

<<< ...I didn't know what I di
All I was doi
was watching
and the
You getting
Ben, can you h
[4:17:12 PM] Mi-Go: Seriously. Wh
[4:17:16 PM] Mi-Go: T
[4:17:23 PM] Mi-Go: Who the f
[4:17:28 PM] Mi-Go: Mi-Go!? S
[4:17:31 PM] Mi-Go: Yo
[4:17:42 PM] Ben: What.
[4:17:50 PM] Mi-Go: .
[4:19:20 PM] M-G: .
[4:19:21 PM] M-G: .
[4:19:27 PM] Ben: Holy fuck.
[4:19:29 PM] Ben: Seriously.
[4:19:33 PM] Ben: What is happening.
[4:19:39 PM] M-G: .
[4:19:44 PM] M-G: M-G
[4:19:53 PM] Ben: M-G?
[4:20:08 PM] M-G: M-G
[4:20:09 PM] M-G: M-G
[4:20:19 PM | Removed 4:20:23 PM] M-G: This message has been removed.
[4:21:29 PM] Ben: What the fuck.
[4:21:37 PM] Moishe Goven: Like I was saying, Ben, I'm onto you're goddamn pranks.
[4:21:46 PM] Ben: Who's M-G?
[4:21:58 PM] Moishe Goven: M-G?
[4:22:00 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[4:22:06 PM] Moishe Goven: I saw "Mi-Go"
[4:22:23 PM] Moishe Goven: and that did fucking make me jump a little, but I get it now.
[4:22:29 PM] Moishe Goven: You're removing the words somehow.
[4:22:37 PM] Moishe Goven: I don't know how you did that on Skype
[4:22:41 PM] Moishe Goven: but you had to.
[4:22:49 PM] Ben: nO.
[4:22:54 PM] Ben: I didn't
[4:22:55 PM] Ben: What.
[4:22:58 PM] Ben: I didn't do anything.
[4:22:59 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[4:23:04 PM] Moishe Goven: The picture.
[4:26:16 PM] Moishe Goven: [4:25 PM] Moishe Goven:

<<< Ben has changed the conversation picture.
Explain this Ben.
[4:26:17 PM] Moishe Goven: Explain.
[4:26:27 PM] Ben: Whoa.
[4:26:34 PM] Ben: What.
[4:26:41 PM] Ben: I didn't though.
[4:26:51 PM] Moishe Goven: Bullshit you didn't! You changed it to that ant thing
[4:26:59 PM] Moishe Goven: and you were losing the letters in your name.
[4:29:53 PM] Moishe Goven: Care to explain taht too?
[4:30:20 PM] Ben: Stop.
[4:30:22 PM] Ben: Stop it now.
[4:32:07 PM] Moishe Goven: What do you mean stop it now!?
[4:32:22 PM] Moishe Goven: [4:30 PM] Moishe Goven:

<<< Holy fuc
What is happen
[4:32:35 PM] Moishe Goven: You're telling me to stop it now?
[4:33:04 PM] Moishe Goven: ...I-
[4:33:04 PM] Moishe Goven: I don't even.
[4:33:16 PM] Moishe Goven: Christ, I got to get some sleep.
[4:33:27 PM] Moishe Goven: Hopefully tomorrow we'll be a little more serious, a'ight?
[4:33:29 PM] Moishe Goven: No hard feelings?
[4:33:46 PM] Ben: >Moishe Goven.
[4:33:50 PM] Moishe Goven: Moishe Goven?
[4:33:50 PM] Ben: I DIDN'T EVEN DO THAT.
[4:33:55 PM] Moishe Goven: What?
[4:34:05 PM] Moishe Goven: [4:33 PM] Ben:

<<< >Moishe Goven.
[4:35:33 PM] Ben: Look.
[4:35:36 PM] Ben: You're tired.
[4:35:41 PM] Ben: Go lay down and sleep.
[4:36:01 PM] Moishe Goven: I-
[4:36:03 PM] Moishe Goven: yeah.
[4:36:04 PM] Moishe Goven: Night.
[4:36:13 PM] Moishe Goven: I still don't believe you about the raccoon.
[4:36:19 PM] Moishe Goven: Night.
[4:36:47 PM] Ethan: I'm not hungry anymore.